Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

Good News from Germany ~

   Waking up a bit late, having sorethroat hurting me, it feels like today gonna be a bad day. But, I'm wrong. Opening message and email I received this morning, such a happy news to hear that my first postcard to sent has reached its destination after travelling 11.460 km in 39 days! Whoaaa, And it has reached the destination in Germany, my dream country since I was kid. Thanks God, Mrs Cora willing to accept my shabby postcard hihihi.

   This is my veryyy first postcard and I'm so happy. Plus the prayer she said " I hope you make it to go to Germany." Ameeeen! I hope one day I'll go there with my own effort. Bismillah
Hope the others postcards and letters reach my penpals sooon :D

Anggi Restiana Dewi

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