Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

My Lovely TROJANCUK :")

   At first,I was placed in 3M.Because of our school portal,I was moved in 3O.Adorably,I don't regret being in this class's part.They're just awesome and incredibly crazy.

We joined Futsal competition in our campus,but failed.But it was awesome dude! :3 Once in a while,we got KSPK lesson.It made us closer than before.We've been through such a hardship,but it hasn't finished yet.We still have blablabla milions deficit of our event,Mortal Combat.It was huge and grabbed a great appreciation from our lecturer,Mr Satria.

Ya,but the shortage we have to cover is being greedy problem.We,as a unity still have problem to hold "Makrab"

    Please,I want this class holding such an event.Remind me that this is last year in my D3 degree.We HAVE to do that thing!hahahha

We still have 4 months effective time for being together.Please bring more joyfull day for me..amiin
The next short semester is waiting.I'll make some great memories.I'll become more useful than before.Play hard,study hard.Sounds good right?
Let's see :D

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Bicara dalam Diam

tak pernah saling bertegur sapa
tanpa ucapan salam ataupun candaan
sedikit senyuman pun sudah sedikit mengobati rindu
ya,hanya sedikit
tatapku sendu memandangimu
"apa kabar?" tanyaku dalam diam
"baik baik saja."jawabmu juga dalam diam
kita saling bicara,dalam diam
kita saling bertanya kabar,dalam diam
kita bertutur kata tapi dalam diam
"karena sesungguhnya tak pernah sekalipun kita benar2 saling bicara"

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Distraction :")

You walked in,with a bunch of hope you gave me
With a full smile you came
Day by day passed with laughter and happiness
comforting feeling started to grow up
as you came,my dearest distraction
You distract this easily swayed heart for him
Ya,I turned myself into a mess for loving such a distraction
Please don't confuse me
Him and you,distraction,so far differences
But,the awful distraction that I once fell for
comforting me his way,
once upon a time
no more,.no more
I say no more coming,she's waiting for you
The girl you once left for distracting me
Thankyou so much,

dearest distraction :")