Senin, 28 Desember 2015

Singing at The Lounge

   As I’ve mentioned before that these four days streak I’m being all alone at home while everyone leaves to catch their holiday plans. First day home alone it’s Thursday, I’m so thankful that after sending Arum off at the airport I fall asleep until afternoon and realize that I get some friends who stay here.
A guy in my neighbour office stays here while his housemates go home. Thanks God I got a friend hahaha. Pack things and left to the mall ( I usually avoid coming to mall, I’m not into it actually) to go seeing him and I get two more friends coming after. Before sitting and eating at the cafĂ© he’s at, I come see my Jakarta friend for awhile. And just two pieces of selfie will do, have a nice vacation in the next city dude.

 Coming to Newstar Kopitiam, my plan was to sit, enjoy the coffee and write but end up eating meals there. Talking too much, the clock moves fast. Two more people come then we move to Jatra hotel to sit in the lounge. Here we are, J Cuvee Lounge with its cozy mood but crowded. Enjoying another cup of coffee, be strong tummy you gotta chew more caffeine. The singing time starts when I am about to get bored. I don’t want to sing at first, just wanna enjoy the music but then Mas Banu convinces me.

I nervously sing there, and again this song (Don’t You Remember – Adele). My college mates will bully me when they see me singing the song again. Don’t you have plenty reference? Why keep singing this one? It’s okay I am so happy that I sing the song again. The sound system is nice by the way.
I walk to my crowd when the guy in front line says “ You have a good voice girl, why don’t you sing again?” Hahaha thank you, it reminds me of my childhood dream of being singer and doctor. If only my physic didn’t get ruined this way, I wont be emotionally damage. I keep the dream of being singer, unability to join the contest was just another failure. I will just sing like the way I want, sing without even able to read the whole melody.
Well, singing at the lounge really made my day.
See ya in the next time my mood of singing comes ~

Happy me,

Sunset at The Balcony

   Having a long weekend for Christmas, as Michael Bubble “All I want for Christmas is you” song being played everywhere staying alone is my choice during the holiday. Last night before my only homemate go home, we get free ticket to watch Negeri Van Oranje movie. Thanks to Keiko with her kind offering when I’m not in the mood of doing the training. Sorry shifu I skip the class and decide to watch the movie instead.

   Being overwhelmed lately, I must have been wanting to go on a picnic lately. Get a rest Nggi, just relax, no need to rush in everything. After getting the ticket that I almost lost due to my careless habit, there’s still one hour left and we move to the balcony where people usually eat their chicken while catching some sunset.

I don’t quite understand why this mall concept is ruined and be this empty. It’s just the chicken franchise that the brand I don’t have to mention as the only attractive spot of the mall. We have the balcony with sea view, planes flying near and sunset spot that everyone loves.
Here I am, doing the same thing like what people love doing here. Sitting near balcony and enjoying the view of sunset we used to see.
Although it’s driving me crazy that I’ll stay alone for four days streak, I’m okay. I just want to enjoy the sunset at the balcony.
When will you come with me?


Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

Ana’s Wedding and Mini Reunion

taking groufie with the newly wed
 Pulang kampung bukan di libur weekend panjang Natal dan tinggal sendiri di kala orang – orang pulang adalah pilihan yang harus kujalani. Bisa sih pulang lagi pas libur Natal, tapi itu terlalu berlebihan rasanya dua minggu berturutan pulang kampung padahal kantong mulai mengering. Jumat pagi pulanglah aku lewat penerbangan ke Semarang setelah lari – larian karena last call dikumandangkan, tas putus dan just in time pesawat bersiap untuk terbang. Sampai Semarang dalam keadaan telinga semakin luka, hari masih panjang dan kecapekan luar biasa sampai akhirnya membuatku harus menunda pulang karena hujan deras tak kunjung usai. Sabtu pagi pulang ke rumah sebentar, tidur – tiduran dan harus segera siap siap kondangan.
   Going back to hometown not in the Christmas long weekend and stay alone while everyone’s going home is the choice I’ve made. I can go home again actually, but it seems too much wasting for money while my wallet’s running out of money. Friday morning I came home via Semarang after running in the gate since last call was being announced, broken bag, and just in time the aircraft was being ready to take off. My ear hurt even more after landing, feeling exhausted and I had to pushed back the going home plan and stay the night. It was raining hard outside. Saturday morning jumped out the bed and went home, get ready to attend the wedding.

   Ana, anggota kos Paus Jelita yang akan melepas masa lajang pertama kali. Piala bergilir kosan dan IKMM sudah disiapkan, dengan rencana mendadak akhirnya kami tujuh lajang lainnya menyewa satu mobil agar bisa datang bersama. Maklumlah, adek punyanya motor bang, ga lucu kalo nanti udah cantek cantek luntur kehujanan. Aku, Handay, Reni, Maya, Ichi, Putya, Arlin berangkat bersama, bahagia ya di hari pernikahan salah satu penghuni kosan kami lengkap berdelapan, dengan status salah satu jadi istri orang sekarang. Jalanan sempat macet dan kami datang ketika acara sudah separuh jalan. Another reunion yang membuatku terharu adalah bersatunya geng badung kpp 533, bahagia banget ketemu manten, Bunga, Etu, Swasti, mbak Napis, mbak Atri, Soniya, sama mbak Enggar. I am so grateful that I come home and see them. Walaupun cuma sebentar Alhamdulillah tali silaturahminya bisa disambung sambung. Selamat menjalani status baru Ana, semoga yang lain segera menyusul.
   Ana, Paus Jelita’s member will be the first to get married. Our Paus wedding trophy and IKMM had been prepared, with sudden plan us seven attend the wedding together riding a car. It’s not funny If we all dressed up and get wet under the rain hahaha. Me, Handay, Reni, Maya, Ichi, Putya, Arlin come together, we’re so happy that eight of us reunited while one of us is the bride. Almost get stuck in the traffic and finally we can arrive just in the half time. Another reunion that made my day was the reunion of geng badung 533, I’m sooo happy to see the bride Ana, Bunga, Etu, Swasti, mbak Napis, mbak Atri, Soniya and mbak Enggar. I am so grateful that I come home and see them. Eventhough its for a while, Alhamdulillah we’re still being connected. Have a happy new status Ana, hope others can go the same way soon. 

   Seusai acara, rencana jalan jalan kami batal karena cuaca mendung tak karuan dan pak supir yang keburu pulang. Akhirnya aku, Reni di rumah Handay menunggu hujan reda, kami ngeteh ngeteh sambil ngobrol. Dan kami seakan lebih sibuk dengan hp masing – masing, sorry for unconsciously unaware of our surroundings.
   After the wedding, our hangout plan should be cancelled due to the bad weather and our driver unability to take us there. Finally me and Reni stay at Handay’s place while waiting for the rain to stop, drinking our tea and having kind of chitchat. It seems like we’re being busy playing our own smartphone that turns us to be dumbass, sorry for unconsciuously unaware of the surroundings.

Tersisa sisa hari Sabtu ini sekian jam saja dirumah, dan hari Minggu yang terpotong setengahnya. Sebelum kembali ke perantauan, pagi – pagi ibu pamit berangkat kerja. Anyyeong mom, sampai ketemu lagi taun depan. Hari ini kejar waktu untuk ketemu sahabat lama, bahagianya ketemu Balqis dan Eni walaupun status kami sekarang beda. Yang satu emak beranak satu, satunya mbak mbak bank kece, dan satu lagi belajar istiqomah jadi cewe, toh kami tetap bisa berteman baik apa adanya sampai sekarang. So far geng kami mreteli pun tak masalah, sepuluh tahun sudah tapi rasanya masih sama, ngobrol dan membahas topic apapun tak ada canggung sama sekali. Time flies ya, obrolan kami pun sekarang berkembang seiring bertambah tua.
Half day of Saturday left, and Sunday will give me several hours to stay before coming back on board. My mom should go to work today, annyeong mom, see you next year. Today’s agenda I go to see my mates, old school besties, Balqis and Eni. I’m so happy to meet them although we have totally different status. One is a mom, another one is a pretty bank worker, and me as the one who’s trying to be feminime could stay friends no matter what. So far our gang isn’t complete anymore but its okay, ten years passed by and it still the same, we can always talk about everything and never feel awkward. Time flies seriously, our topic changes since we’re growing older.

Tersisa sejam waktu sebelum ke Semarang, pamit ke sana sini, packing dan ngebut ngejar bis. Sempat selfie sebentar sama bapake, galau galau sedih karena lagi lagi pulang hanya dua hari. I’m coming back on board, to Borneo. Semoga pulang tahun depan barokah ya, walaupun ancaman pengurangan tunjangan di depan mata.
One hour left before going to Semarang, packing, saying goodbye and rushing my way to chase for the bus. Taking selfie with dad sadden me even more that I only come home for two days. I’m coming back on board Borneo. Hope next year it gets better, although our salary will be pressed.

Sampai ketemu lagi Jawa, gotta miss you much.

See you again Java land,

Pendudukmu yang sekarang tinggal di pulau seberang
Your people who live across the land

Kamis, 24 Desember 2015


What is friendship actually? It's a connection we have with people we first don't know and grow further into deeper bond after knowing each other
Friendship is something we have and make us cherish every moment with people we call friends
I believe that everyone has their own friend, even what's called bestfriend.

I do have good friends, and even bestfriend. I wanna make everyone best but can't help it.
I believe every friend I have get their own way to stay the best
There's good friendship and there's also the badluck connection that should end starting as friends
Believe it or not, there will always this kind of people you consider and treat as friends but do the opposite to you.

I had this kind of badluck friendship kind, and immediately ended it after knowing the fact.
I am okay that in this life there's one point when God let me met the badass.
There's another kind of friendship that I sometimes regret having, one moment on life there will be the guy who fall for you and ruin the whole friendship after messing your feeling.
Or you have feelings for him but he chooses another girl instead
It's okay we met the badass and get our life messed for a moment, it will be great to fall down then know the point and you get up growing stronger.

That's a life, keep your chin up girl!

Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Delicia Cafe, Balikpapan your Latin taste

Balikpapan, kota yang tak akan membuatmu kehabisan referensi tempat hangout ketika berada di sana . Kota yang tumbuh menjadi salah satu kota dengan perkembangan terpesatnya di Indonesia ini adalah wajah termetropolitan di pulau Kalimantan. Gaya hidup masyarakatnya yang suka menghabiskan uang ditandai dengan maraknya tempat nongkrong sebagai salah satu syarat pergaulan masa kini bagi anak mudanya.

Well, untuk urusan cafe atau coffeeshop Balikpapan punya banyak referensi. Salah satu tempat yang akan kuulas kali ini adalah Delicia Cafe. Terletak di sepanjang jalan utama Balikpapan Selatan, tepatnya jalan MT Haryono cafe bertema latin ini menjadi salah satu favorit karena cita rasa latin yang dijualnya kental dan menjadi ciri khasnya. Dengan range harga dari 20-70 k untuk setiap menunya, tempat ini layak dijadikan salah satu cafe favoritmu. Menu yang dijual ala ala latin dan suasana cozy adalah hal yang kucari di sini. Beragam minuman dan makanan yang dijual di sini rasanya enak dan well cooked menurutku, bahkan untuk menu semacam telur dadarnya pun rasanya unik. Beda dengan telur yang kugoreng sendiri di dapur kosan.
   Kalau tak ingin suasana yang terlalu riweuh dan ramai datanglah di kala weekday, cafe ini tak akan semrawaut seperti bayangan.

Find your happiness in the food you eat,
Happy eating, happy living

Anggi R Dewi

Senin, 14 Desember 2015

Losing and Life Lesson

There is always this type of guys coming into your life as lessons and left after the teaching to you done
There is this guy who used to treat you well like a sister, another moment as a girl and other moments like what friends are.

There is no such thing like having feeling towards each other
Hanging out, having trips, randomly doing something silly or being way to dependent to do even small things might happen
There is no such sweet things like good morning afternoon or evening greeting, asking have you eaten or where have you been

But when something went wrong with you he eventually knew in seconds
When you weren't in the familiar places he noticed and asked if you're okay
When you were sick and no other people taken care of you, he appeared in front of your house with fruits and medicine you need

He was being arrogant butt but always treat you well
Now as the world keeps changing people gotta change to
And I have to accept that this dude gone for long from my sight

There's a saying " Even the sweetest chocolate expires." What a lame sentence but its true..
You can only pray for your family and dearest friends to live happy their way
You have to bear the hurt of losing, one by one of you closest friends are choosing their way of living

Keep your chin up girl
Be happy, may Allah bless you


Written minutes after midnight,
Anggi Restiana Dewi

Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

Etnica Coffee & Kitchen, Balikpapan

   Balikpapan, kota tersibuk di Kalimantan ini tak pernah kehabisan referensi tempat nongkrong bagi para muda mudinya. Coffee shop adalah tempat yang paling mudah ditemui di kota ini. Ruko Pasar Segar Balikpapan Baru adalah salah satu lokasi terfavorit untuk menghabiskan waktu sekedar untuk nongkrong, ngobrol atau sekedar tempat janjian. Di kawasan Ruko ini terdapat banyak tempat makan, cafe dan berbagai toko berjajar rapi. Bahkan ada butik butik dan juga tempat latihan muay thai di kawasan ini.
Balikpapan, the busiest city in Borneo never stop having references for the young to hangout. Coffee shop is the easiest place to be found in the city. Pasar Segar Block in Balikpapan Baru is one of the most favourite to spend time, chitchating or meetup place. In the area there are various eating spot, cafe, shops. There's also clothes store and even muay thai training camp there.
   Etnica coffee & kitchen adalah cafe yang ingin kureview kali ini, terletak persis di sebelah Coffee Talk, aroma persaingan terbuka terlihat jelas di sini. Menu yang ditawarkan di cafe ini hampir sama dengan coffee shop kebanyakan di Balikpapan lainnya. Ada banyak aneka minuman berbau kopi bagi para pecintanya untuk dinikmati di sini, selain kopi cemilan ringan untuk sekedar menemani ngobrol juga tersedia.
  Etnica coffee & kitchen is the lucky cafe I'm reviewing this time, located right beside Coffee Talk, competition atmosphere is easily being felt. Menu offered in the cafe almost the same with another coffee shop in Balikpapan. There are various coffee menu for coffee addict to taste here, beside there's also small bites food for chilling all night.

Maybe you feel a bit bored with your lazy weekend rolling around bed all day?
Take your coat and come out,
See me at the cafe,


The perk of having Social Media

Social media, supposed to be a useful thing that connect us people but ended up having bad impact beside its goodness.

To be continued..

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

Kambing Diguling ~

   Alhamdulillah rapelan datang, yang setahun menggantung nasibnya ditunggu tunggu akhirnya datang. Kantor sedang paceklik acara makan makan, kadang ada sarapan bareng, kadang IHT, dan kadang kadang tanpa acara. Lumayan ada rejeki, kami berenam akhirnya bisa nyumbang untuk satu acara makan bersama. Pengennya sih babi guling, karena mayoritas kami tak makan babi (aku juga) akhirnya dipesanlah kambing guling untuk acara.
   Sempat agak diburu waktu pas acara karena sebelumnya harus periksa telinga kiri yang kumat lagi, dan acara ini berlangsung lancar. Siapa sih yang ga bahagia makan kambing guling, ditambah ada lalapan dan pete sebagai pendamping, dan orange squash minumannya.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, perut kenyang hati senang dan tensi darah naik.
Semoga ada momen lagi buat kambing gulingan next time, syukuran nikahan atau acara bakar bakaran maybe ~


Book Cafe, Balikpapan one stop cafe

   Berada di kota tersibuk dan modern di Kalimantan adalah hal yang patut kusyukuri. Bagaimana tidak, kota ini ramai dan banyak one stop cafe di mana aku bisa leluasa menghabiskan waktu untuk ber me time atau hangout bareng geng di sela stress beban kerja.
Salah satu cafe favoritku di sini adalah          
   Book Cafe yang terletak di Ruko Bandar. Cafe yang terletak persis di sebelah Happy puppy karaoke ini menawarkan konsep yang menarik dan lain dari cafe kebanyakan. Cafe berkoneksi WiFi kencang ini menyediakan menu ala cafe yang cukup beragam, ada pula buku yang disewakan dan disediakan gratis, dan mainan yang ada dan bisa digunakan pengunjung yang bosan menghabiskan waktu hanya duduk duduk ngemil.
Desain ruangan yang tak terlalu ruwet tapi terkesan rapi membuat pengunjung betah berlama lama menghabiskan waktu.
   Tempat ini memang cukup jauh dari kos, tapi bisa jadi alternative untuk ber me time atau kabur sebentar dari bosannya menatap dinding kos kosan.

So where will you spend the Holly weekend?
Come and get addicted of this cafe