Senin, 30 Juli 2012


                In a very early morning of Sunday,I was sitting under that big tree when suddenly Ian came to pick me.As usual we go to watch a movie in theathre.We are going to watch the newest love movie.Kyaa I really love the main actor.Can’t wait to watch xD
“Hey,why do we have to watch the love movie again,Darl?It takes all of my emotion =,= “ he complains me.
“Sorry,Honey..I really love the main actor,so we have to watch the movie.ehehe..Next time we’ll watch your favorite one,okay?”I whimper and blink my two eyes to him.
He can’t refuse me then.Haha..I win again..
Hello..I am Anggie,the second year Taxation student of Indonesian State College of Accountancy.And I wanna tell you,it’s my love story with Ian,my lovely patient boyfriend.We used to live a very happy relationship in the first year.And the worst event that follows us begin in the second year.
                I used to be very happy passing the days with Ian beside me.I do really love him,and so does he.He always come to pick me at my rent house and goes on a date every weekend.He accompanies me wherever I go,brings me my luggage when we go together to supermarket.He used to be a very patient boyfriend and the most lovely one I think.I do really really love him.I can’t even imagine If something bad happen to us two.
“Hey,Ian.Please have a seat.Anggie is still preparing.You know she takes longer time when it comes to date.haha..Be patient then.”Intan,my friend opens the door and please Ian to wait me.They talked about anything I don’t know.I don’t have suspicion since they’re my two close persons.
Intan is my bestfriend ever.We used to live a very good friendship life.She always support me whoever the person I like.Then in the beginning of first year in this college I found Ian.We used to be very cold at first.But,falling for each other at the end.How funny when I remember my love story :D
“Hehehe.Sorry for long waiting,Honey.”I come smiling and grab him to go sooner.
“Be careful yaa..”Intan waves her hands.Ian smiles so brightly but it’s not suspicious because he’s my boyfriend and Intan my friend.
Just that and we go on a very funny date in Timezone.We play various things.Whoaaa I love playing those games.
It happened in the first year when I was very happy to have a good friend and lovely boyfriend.Everything change since I found something suck goes on between the two of them.
Saturday night at Accoustic Concert I had myself walking around the college parking lot.I’m annoyed to death that Ian suddenly turn off his cellphone when I call him.I don’t know what I did that he became like this.I cried and locked my room for an hour.All my house friends except Intan tried to calm me down.I didn’t know where  Intan was.But,I didn’t even thing something suck is going to happen between two of them.Tired of crying,I decided to walk around the campus area alone.I just want to get some fresh air.
Walking around the parking lot like an idiot,someone surprised me.
“Hey,Stupid.What are you doing here?Walking around alone like an idiot.Ckckck” Willy suddenly comes.
“Hah?Oh,eh,eng I’m not doing anything,Wil.Just walking around to get some air.” I confused.
“There’s a mini Accoustic Concert near.Let’s go there than walking here like an idiot.Haha” without my agreement Willy grab my hand and run me to the Acooustic Concert.
“Wiiiiiiiiiiiil,don’t run.I can’t run.” He doesn’t hear me and run.
Haha..What a troublesome guy!==’ Willy is my classmate for this two year since the first year.He’s kinda funny guy who always make everybody around him smile a lot.He ever confessed to me when we were in the first year.But,I was already have Ian.No matter what,Willy is still my friend.He’s always kind to me,even I already dumped him and be with Ian.
“Whoaaa..The song is awesome right?” Willy asked me.
“Eh,.Ya you right.That song is lovely.” I answered nervously.
“Why are you so nervous answering me?Don’t say you’re falling for me now?Haha “ he said randomly.
“What??” I’m so surprised.
“No no no.I’m kidding.Don’t think it seriously.”
I laugh so hard and hit him.Hahaha..Troublesome guy!
Suddenly something stop me laughing.Yah,.It’s my boyfriend walking to the parking lot with a girl.Whatta!!I don’t believe it.He’s with someone else.
I slap two of them.Guess who?My bestfriend and my boyfriend went to a concert together when I was crying because of him.Lucky me I didn’t lock myself all night long and face this ugly truth in front of my two eyes.
“Great!!You’re doing great guys.What a lovely boyfriend you are.I’m so proud of you,Ian!Hang out with my BESTFRIEND!!Ya BESTFRIEND!!And you,Intan.I don’t even think you’ll backstab me like this.So funny!!” I shouted to them.Can’t hold my tears,they’re flowing down my face.
“It’s not like what you think,Anggie.I came here to pick Intan up because she’s alone.”
“Why don’t you answer me and turn your phone off?To pick her up without me knowing the truth between the two of you ha?!!” I was really angry to them.
“Anggie.Calm down!I can explain this to you.Please listen to me.” Intan said.
“I don’t care anymore.You’re not a friend of mine.Really?BESTFRIEND??!You said we’re bestfriend?Bullshit?!You BITCH!”
“Don’t say such rude thing please,Darl.”Ian pleased me.
“Don’t call me like that anymore.You Bastard!I don’t want to see both of you anymore.Go to hell you two.!Luckily I came here and found this truth.Hahaha.Stupid me being played and backstabbed like this.” Between laughing and crying I said that.
“I can explain this Anggie.I just can’t tell the truth from the beginning knowing you’re so in love with him.I’m really sorry that this thing turn out to be like this.Really sorry.” Intan explained.
“I don’t care..!!I just don’t want to know you anymore.!” I ran away from there.I cried and shouted my anger out in the campus park.
“How can you do this to me?!WAAA.I HATE YOU IAN!I HATE YOU INTAN!!”
“Just cry and shout then.It’ll lighten your mood.”Willy ran after me and sat beside me.
“Why are you here?To laugh me that I’m being played by that suck guy ha?You must feel really sorry that I didn’t pick the right guy.”I cried harder.
“Ssssh..Don’t say that.I’m here because I care.I don’t want you to get hurt because of him.Now,I’m not gonna lose you.I want to protect you.I don’t care you like me or not.I don’t care as long as you’re happy I’m fine then.” He said that and hugged me.
How can I become this stupid?I dumped a good guy and be with a “fake lovely” guy.After knowing the truth from other friend that actually Ian and Intan we’re in relationship after Ian became my boyfriend it irritates me so much.They started to date after a year of my relationship.Ian was interested with Intan and get bored with me.How suck!
I pretend nothing happened before.They went on a date since several months ago.I don’t care.They are really awkward to me until now.I never ask or greet them first.Knowing their fault,they must be feeling awful.
 “Where will we go now?Watchin movie or playing cards?:D “
“I guess playing in the city park will be interesting.Hehhehe”
“That’s not the choices I give,hey..”
“Don’t care aaaa.Let’s go”
Willy run after me.We’ll go on a funny date without any faking things…
No problem now.I’m in process of healing this wound they gave.I have a good and cheerful  boyfriend.Ya,.He’s Willy.I don’t care anymore that he’s a troublesome guy.No matter how hard I cry he’s always there for me. J

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Gadis Kecil ituu... aku :")

Airmata ini tak akan pernah kering untuk apa yang terjadi hari ini 12 tahun yg lalu :’)

  Gadis kecil itu berwajah ceria,pulang sekolah membawa rapor dengan peringkat 1 dan janji untuk duduk sebangku dngan anak laki2 yg dia suka.Rencana liburan yang menyenangkan pun tak urung terjadi,karena suatu peristiwa yang benar2 mengubah hidupnya..Dua belas tahun yang lalu :)
Dia sendiri dirumah saat peristiwa itu terjadi.Dengan langkah tertatih-tatih dia lari menyelamatkan dirinya sekuat tenaga.
Perjalanan menuju Rumah sakit juga bukan tanpa tantangan.Dengan kondisi seperti itu dan jalan yang macet segenap hati sang ibu berdoa demi keselamatannya.Berliter2 air yang diminum tak mengurangi panas yg dia rasakan.
   Dua puluh menit berada di ruang ICU...
Tubuh mungil yang penuh luka dan perban membalut seluruh tubuhnya,gadis kecil itu menangis dan bertanya akankah dia mati saat itu juga.
"Ibu apakah aku akan mati sekarang?" suaranya samar terdengar.
"Jangan bilang seperti itu nak." airmata ibu mengalir mendengar pertanyaan anak gadisnya.
Beberapa hari dia hanya tergeletak tak sadar,tak berdaya membuka mata.Hanya suara lemah yang membantunya berkomunikasi dngan sang ibu.Keluarga,sahabat dan siapapun yang mengunjunginya pingsan tak berdaya melihat keadaannya.Bahkan dokter mengatakan dia akan buta.
   Jarum infus yang besar menusuk tangan mungilnya,berliter2 cairan infus yang masuk ke tubuhnya tak mampu meredam panas yang ia rasa.Ayahnya jauh2 datang dari ibukota,pingsan dan meratapi anak gadis satu2nya menderita.Hatinya semakin terluka mendapati ayahnya datang dan menangis
   Beruntung dia tidak buta.Hari itu perban dibuka,dokter menyodorkan cermin dan Praanggg!Pecah brkeping2 dbantingnya.Dia meronta-ronta tak terima. “Ini bukan aku!” Dia berteriak dan airmatanya pecah.
Setelah hampir sebulan dia kembali kerumah dengan perasaan yang porak poranda.Kembali ke sekolah dengan keadaan yg benar2 terbalik..“Sahabat2” itu meninggalkannya,menghina dan menjauhinya.Bajingan itu jg meninggalkannya,janji untuk duduk sebangku pun diingkarinya
   Beruntung dia bngkit,tak didengarkan lagi omongan yang hanya bisa mencela.Dia berteman dngan bnyak sahabat yg menyayanginya apa adanya.Peristiwa besar dalam hidupnya selalu menyita airmatanya,mengingatkannya tentang banyak hal yg tak pernah ia bayangkan sebelumnya.
Terpuruk,dikhianati dan disakiti membuatnya kebal.Gadis kecil itu senantiasa bersyukur atas kesempatan hidup yang dimilikinya.
Sekarang sudah 12 tahun sejak peristiwa itu,dia bukan lagi gadis kecil yang bisa kau sakiti.Karena gadis kecil itu ..aku dimasa lalu.. :”))

Semoga tak ada lagi orang yang mengalami hal seperti ini,cukup aku saja.Biarkan ini menjadi cerita yang selalu mengingatkanku dalam setiap apa yang kuperbuat.
Agar aku tak pernah lupa bagaimana sakit itu pernah kurasa dan bagaimana aku harus selalu bersyukur.
Terimakasih ya Allah atas ijin Mu aku masih hidup hingga sekarang
Teruntuk ayah dan ibu,aku ingin membuat kalian tersenyum dengan caraku :))

repost from my notes and tumblr,so it won't disappear..