Kondangan dan pulang ke kampung halaman adalah alasan kenapa aku bisa ke tempat ini, cafe yang lagi ngehits di kalangan anak Jogja dan sering dipost di instagram atau path oleh teman - teman ini terletak di jantung kota Jogja. Roaster and Bear Cafe yang terletak di depan Hotel Harper ini adalah salah satu tempat nongkrong terfavorit dan jarang sepi, apalagi ketika weekend tiba lokasi ini adalah salah satu yang bakal membuatmu harus rela mengantri.
Attending wedding and going back to hometown are the reasons I could come to this place, a happening cafe in Jogjaers and often posted in istagram or path is located in the heart of Jogja. Roaster and Bear Cafe is located in front of Harper hotel is one of the most favourites cafe to hangout. This cafe will make you have to wait in line to reserve it during the weekend.

Roaster and Bear, a cafe decorated with bears in every corner of this building. For you teddy bear lovers, in one corner of this place there's a teddy you can hug and take selfie together ^^v

Dengan menu menu ala cafe yang cukup beragam dan konsepnya unik, wifi super kencang, cafe ini memiliki magnet menarik pengunjung dengan caranya sendiri untuk sekedar mampir ataupun nongkrong lama.
With various menu and unique concept, super speed wifi,this cafe attracts visitors to keep coming with its own way.

One visit is never enough, try to drop by sometimes ~

Anggi R. Dewi
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