Selasa, 18 November 2014

A Regret of Foolish Lover

There were times I want to run away with Yi Seul
For 20 years happiness and tears I've been through wit her
The person who can make her happiest is me
The person who need her most is me
She is my childhood, sister, mom and only family

Thanks to her I’m not lonely
And for her I wanted to be better
But I couldn’t say these important words when I could with my heart
I always procrastinated because I though that she would always be next to me
I couldn’t be honest to my feelings because I had to be her friend
I had given up because of my pride
I ran away because of my low self esteem
I only realized after losing her

How important  that person is to me
The idea of not being able to tell the words I thought I could tell any time
It was so sad I only realized now
I, Baek Ho Love Yi Seul
It has taken too long way to realize what I’m feeling

Please forgive this foolish love..

Yoo Seung Ho as Kang Baek Ho

There's a time, when I was in his position,and waste my chances
I spill my feelings everywhere, except to him..
I spoke the truth to everybody, except him..
I used to be his friend and stay quiet
The hesitation has turned me into a nuisance who can never be honest
Once the chance's gone, you can only have regret later..
Almost is never enough, dear
Make sure next story you'll do better dear foolish lover~


Jumat, 14 November 2014

Dear my future husband

These are 10 reasons that will make you leave me :

  1.       I’m not that girly
Phisically and my behaviors, I’m not that girly. Remembering how I spend all my life being a boyish kind, you may see my ungirly side. I am still learning to be a better and waaay more woman. If you don’t like me for not being girly, you may leave me sooner. I don’t have perfect body like others. I don’t have skin as soft as satin, white as snow and body care like others. I have keloid and scars everywhere. You might runaway from me after knowing this hahaha
  2.       I am not ordinary
I never date any guy. I never want to get in relationship If its not the guy I want. I fall easily, lose my feeling easily too. I act rude and show my true self to the person I’m close to.
  3.       I’m unstable
Having unstable emotion, I get mad easily, being too happy or sad , jealous over small things easily. I am rude, say all the things in mind without hesitant. I may look sad, or too happy, showing my real mind and can be read over my eyes. If I did wrong and get on your nerves, you may lose your patience and leave..
  4.       I’m not a princess alike
I wasn’t born in rich neigbourhood. I live the way I am, the environment that shape me strong and uncare over small things. The more I learn, I want to become more human and act soft.
  5.       I am too brazen and picky
When I don’t like a thing I won’t say nice things. When I get angry I show how cruel my temper. I may kick your ass, slap you or pull your head upside down. You may see me as a ridiculous girl and stay away. For my love line that always gone suck, the reason was because I’m too picky. I’m sorry..
  6.       I can’t stay for too long
I am the type who’s not patient enough to wait. Even for the guy I like. It’s getting on my nerves, and sorry dear If I get angry and leave you that easy. I may be called player although I never get in relationship. I fall and lose my feeling so easily, it was the reason why I jump over guys easily. That’s just the disease that can only be cured by you :”
  7.       I was the girl who can’t be moved
Knowing me, hearing how things get complicated in me because I was failed moving on from the previous story can bring you away from me. You may give that label to me too. If you believe, I only need you to completely move me from my previous suck love stories. If you don’t believe, then you gotta leave..
  8.       I might turn out to be possessive
When I can get really close to you, even I haven’t become your girl I’m sorry that I might turn out to be scary monster called possessive. I am just afraid that you’ll leave me like the previous guy did to me.
  9.       I am careless
Got my head hit the wall,door, or fall down in crowded area. I may be the shameful girl in front of everyone. If you’re not going to ruin your life then you’ll stay away from me hahaha
  10.   A  sleepaholic one and coffe addict
If you ask me one of the reason I was left behind, it’s the sleeping habit. When I get bored, I sleep. When I feel like sleeping, I’ll sleep, wherever,whatever, whenever. Guys might lose feeling towards me who have this kind of habit. I love sleeping, I’m sorry. And another addict I have is to coffe, sorry for not being able to stay away from this thing..

I believe that every girl was born with her own beauty, include me. Despite the things I do and the path I choose, I’m also a girl who was born with my own beauty. Like me or hate me, you choose. Life isn’t about make everyone loves you, it’s about being the best of you no matter how hard life be.
As for me, I don’t care for the label people give me, I live the way God has bring me..Dear my future husband, these are 10 ridiculous fact about me that you should know completely..Sorry and thanks



Jalanmu, Jalanku, bukan Jalan Kita

   TKD dan pembagian instansi akhirnya terjadi. Ketidaklulusan beberapa kawan yang sempat membuatku patah hati mau tak mau terjadi. Antara senang tapi sedih, kecewa dan pasrah karena jalan hidup kami akhirnya bubar dari kata kita menjadi masing – masing aku atau kamu, dengan jalan hidup berbeda. Setahun yang lalu, sewaktu masa penggantungan nasib masih berlangsung kami selalu bertanya – tanya kapan kepastian itu datang. Tapi yang namanya manusia, sekarang kepastian sudah diberikan dan rasa sedih dan gundah itu pun datang. Ada awal ada juga akhir, begitulah kini yang menyesap di relung STANers 2010 kini. Dulu dikumpulkan dalam satu gedung dalam orientasi mahasiswa baru yang laki – lakinya harus botak, kini kami juga dikumpulkan lagi dalam satu gedung tapi dengan keadaan berbeda. Dulu dipisahkan spesialisasi, kini dikelompokkan berdasarkan instansi. Semacam mini reuni, senang dan sedih menyatu. Beda instansi beda pula jalan hidup setelah ini, beda yang akan dijalani setelah hari Induction Program dan seterusnya.

gedung tua tempat kuliah dulu


STAPALA STANers 2010 :))
   Bintaro bukan lagi tempat kami akan bertemu, menyesuaikan jadwal bertemu juga tak akan semudah itu. Si A ke kota X, si B sibuk dengan urusan kerjaannya, semua akan tiba pada waktunya. Ketika yang tadinya adalah kita, sekarang akan terpecah menjadi kamu, atau aku, dengan masing – masing jalan hidupnya. Apakabar tempat nongkrong kala mahasiswa dulu? Apakabar kehidupan ala mahasiswa yang bebas dan menyenangkan? Semua akan terganti dengan kehidupan dunia kerja yang menuntut keteraturan. Tak ada lagi nongkrong – nongkrong bodoh rame – rame, tak ada lagi asal nongol di kosan orang, tak ada lagi malas – malasan di posko karena menghindari kuliah. Yang ada adalah bangun pagi, absen dengan tertib, kerja rajin sampai sore, pulang, kelelahan, istirahat dan berulang. Tersisa akhir pekan Sabtu Minggu yang akan lebih kaupilih untuk waktumu istirahat.

Paus B1 no 7 girl, minus Putya and Arlin :"(
    OJT atau lebih lengkapnya On Job Training akan dilaksanakan hingga minimal Maret 2015. Untuk instansi lain, semua dilakukan di pusat a.ka Jakarta. Sebagai satu – satunya instansi yang memiliki ribuan pekerja baru Direktorat Jenderal Pajak menyebar tempat kami OJT. As for me, aku lebih memilih tempat yang ramai dan banyak kawan. Ternyata hasil pembagian tempat magang berkata lain, aku terdepak ke Temanggung yang sebenarnya tak pernah kupilih. Antara Magelang atau Jakarta, dan akhirnya minggu awal yang penuh kesenyapan pun memaksaku bertahan di Temanggung. Pulang ke rumah dengan gontai dan mood berantakan dari Bintaro seusai Induction Program, ah memalukan mental ini. Sebagian besar cowok Magelang terlempar ke Jakarta, tempat yang kuinginkan.  Dan aku mendapatkan lokasi yang jauh dari keramaian, Temanggung. Meskipun kecewa, mungkin Tuhan punya rencana yang manusia tak pernah sangka. Mungkin aku diberi kesempatan untuk tinggal di rumah sebelum penempatan definitive yang entah akan membawaku ke mana. Manfaatkan waktumu di rumah sebelum kamu jarang pulang, Nggi. Mungkin seperti itu kalimat Tuhan bila diterjemahkan dalam ucap manusia.

dunia per KRLan jaman magang

   Umur semakin bertambah, fase hidup bergeser perlahan sesuai alurnya. Masa kanak – kanak tergantikan dengan masa remaja, yang berlalu hingga masa kuliah usai dan bergeser ke masa dunia kerja. Ah, cepat sekali waktu berlalu. Aku rindu tiga tahun masa kuliahku dulu, setahun waktu penantian yang kuisi dengan magang pemrov DKI, magang di Kanaka dan sekian waktu masa pengangguran. Apa kabar kalian, yang senasib sepenanggungan yang selalu kusapa tiap bertemu di jalan. Apakah kita merindukan tempat yang sama? Mungkin iya, mungkin tidak. Karena masamu sudah terlewat, ikhlaslah Nggi. Jangan terlalu betah di Bintaro, duniamu sudah berbeda. Selamat datang dunia kerja, keteraturan dan hal menjemukan yang harus dilakukan. Beda instansi, beda jalan hidup tak apa, semoga kita sukses di jalan masing – masing. Sampai ketemu kawan, yang kini tak bisa satu persatu kukumpulkan karena beda kesibukan. See you when I meant to see you ~

Anggi Restiana Dewi,