Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Dear My Future Husband

Dear My Future Husband
Whoever you are, I’d like to tell you how rough my way to go to you before
I’m grateful that I finally find you
I can’t describe the happiness I have when I finally meet you
It’s been always hard for me to get to you
I’m sorry for being picky all this time,
That it takes long time to take me to you
I’m sorry that I was a girl who never have a good thought in marriage
I’m sorry that it takes years to change my perspective to make me wanna get married too
I wonder how your past thought of marrying a girl
Is that me the criteria you’ve been thinking?
It must be no hahaha
I wonder what makes you come to me
I wonder what makes you decide to spend the rest of your life with me
I swear when you read this letter you’ll be surprised of the changes I’ve made
I’m not the same person like before
I just wanna keep improving myself, fixing the things I’ve done worse before
By doing those things I finally can find you
Thank you for sparing your time to read the old letter to you dear
I’ll be as good as you wish all this time

The woman who writes you in the past time

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

There's a moment

   There’s a moment when I’m getting bored of the things happen in my current daily activities. There’s a moment when I’m too lazy to do anything and just wanna spend the whole day to sleep and being a moveless person, especially when it’s weekend. I’ ve spend the 5 days to go working (or you can call it pre-working) and only doing this and that. I come to work at 7.30 and go home at 5 pm, get home when it’s about to dark, wash up and it’s almost doing nothing at night since I don’t have much energy left, just repeating the duolingo I learn during my working day and so on, sleeping, then it’s coming again the other day same routines. Keep repeating the same things in a long time is totally not my thing. I can be very passionate and excitedly doing everything in the beginning, for the office working life it will be hard to me. I’m being cheerful and passionate at first, but nowadays it seems my mood has gone somewhere far. When I’m not in the mood to talk I keep my mouth shut, join the crowd when I don’t have the atmosphere ruined. I keep myself quiet more than before in the past. It’s been 5 months already and still theres no more news for DiklatPrajab and the placement that will be the first ground to step for my lifeplan. I’m ready for the plan A, B or C. Hope everything will go according to plans.

The waiting girl who desperately needs vacations,
AnggiRestiana Dewi

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Bali 7 years ago

   Remembering my trip to Bali 7 years ago, one of the thing I wanna fix. It wasn't as happy as I wish as I'm the immersion class member who rode the bus along with the social students, who aren't really into us. Hahaha being minority in the most noisy bus. It would be nice If I were one of them. Thinking bout that makes me wanna comeback to high school time and change my sains class into social ones. I love being in a crowd actually haha. Our trip was in 2008 when I was in my 2nd year of high school.
   There's just few pictures I could take, since I joined the trip not in the happiest mood and I'm on my period which forbid me to come to several holy places in Bali like Pura Besakih, Tanah Lot, Sangeh the monkey forest. And the trip turned out to be disastrous when I was in my period, ugh that hurt. I wanna go to Bali again, visit places I couldn't back then and make some good memories unlike the previous one.




watching Kecak dance

so Bali

I was still 17



Kuta beach

near my hotel

sunrise in Sanur beach

the lake near pura~

Waiting for the job placement and I hope it would be Bali (one of my choices), I wanna redo the trip with better version.

Will be seeing you soon Bali,


Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Touchdown Poland!

   After travelling 10.715 km in 35 days, my postcard touch the ground of Poland. Hurray, I'm really happy knowing this news. Plus, the person who get my postcard is willing to send me back and have a swap with me. That's so lovely !
   I give up already actually, since it's been two months and there's nothing arrive in my mailbox. Ugh, it's sad I even went to the post office to ask where are my things. Is it the service of delivery that's bad or the postcards and letters flew away and slipped of the postman?

Hope yo get mine, soooooon. I still hope but not much left.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015


Once, there's a time when this girl fell for a guy she never meet in person
Thousand miles separated and it was just a chatroom that made them meet
He fell for the topic they discussed, had a crush on the nature she offered
They talked, laugh hard and had many things to discussed back then
She was happy and excited all over the things happened

But the thing is they are not living in the same timeline
When he said good morning it's already midnight, when she said good afternoon it's still dawn there..
Kind of jetlag never made them talk in a proper way..
And there it is the time when he's about to disappear
And she realizes it..
He has to do so many things undone
Leaves her in their empty chatroom

He's gone and she has no idea for everything..
She keep making herself busy to forget
Even just once, it was a virtual loveline that made her crushed this much..

Please do well and stay healthy,
She wishes for you dude

A letter 'A' write to you somewhere far..

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Jakarta, Kota Kejam Kesayangan

the lights near Kuningan

another crowd
   Menghabiskan waktu tiga tahun kuliah di perbatasan Tangerang dan Jakarta, hidup dengan segala hiruk pikuknya sudah kuakrabi setiap waktunya. Mulai dari panas menyengat yang membuat tubuh banjir keringat, serangan nyamuk kosan yanga tak mengenal musim panas maupun hujan, pola hidup kalong yang sempat membuat kesehatan morat marit berantakan, kehidupan masa kuliahnya yang menyenangkan, perjalanan keliling kota maupun perjalanan ke luar kota yang dimulai dari sini, Jakarta semua punya kesannya tersendiri bagiku.
   Setelah lulus kuliah, setahun waktu berikutnya juga kuhabiskan di Jakarta, magang di pemprov dan kantor akuntan pun kulakukan daripada berdiam di rumah dan ditanya tanya kapan kerja. Praktislah aku jadi bagian dari kehidupan anak gaul kereta commuter (commet). Awalnya tak pernah terbayang aku berangkat pulang kerja dengan commuter penuh manusia yang berjejalan seperti pindang dipepes. Panas? Iya, apalagi ketika Ac gerbong yang dinaiki tak nyala, mandilah kau dengan keringat dan bau campur aduk dalam kereta. Berangkat kala mentari terbit dan pulang saat sudah tenggelam sepersekian waktu. Hahaha demi sesuap nasi dan sebongkah berlian adek rela bang. Ya, itung itung pengalaman kerja sebelum diurus Kementerian Keuangan. Tak hanya jadi pengguna kereta, mengejar ngejar kopaja demi sampai tempat tujuan juga sudah bagian rutinitas. Kendaraan umum yang usang dan dikendarai dengan semena mena inilah yang kerapkali mengantarku ke tujuan akhir. 
night lamp

love to see the sunset from high building

pretty interesting seeing this

Old City of Jakarta
   Jakarta, orang benci padanya tapi begitu ingin datang. Sudah hampir empat tahun hidup di sana, yang namanya banjir, macet dan egoisme bukanlah mitos. Orang - orang hidup di ibukota terbentuk dengan sifat individualisnya. Damn it's true. Pernah suatu sore di depan balaikota aku nyaris tertabrak pengendara motor yang melaju di trotoar. Dia yang salah, gue yang diklakson klakson. Oke fine, egoisme memang sudah sedemikian parah di sini. Tak jarang di comuter, pekerja kantoran yang cantik dan tampan rupawan pura - pura tertidur setelah dapat tempat duduk daripada mengalah untuk pengguna yang lebih membutuhkan. Kalau mau lebih manusiawi kamu harus bisa bertahan di tengah kekejaman ibukota. Banjir adalah agenda wajib yang terjadi di setiap tahunnya, hujan deras mengguyur, genangan timbul di mana mana. Sedangkan macet di ibukota tiap hari makin parah, laju kepemilikan kendaraan tinggi tapi pertumbuhan infrastrukturnya bisa dibilang mangkrak.    Jakarta menawarkan pesona kehidupan ibukota yang modern tapi menyembunyikan kelusuhan dan kekumuhan di baliknya. Jakarta memberikan harapan bagi para pengejar kesuksesan sekaligus keporakporandaan bagi yang tak bisa bertahan. Dia yang dibenci sekaligus dicintai, Jakarta, kota kejam kesayangan yang kurindukan.


when the rain trap you in

when the commuter is empty

the always crowded road

take the tour by bus, and get stuck in the middle of the city


when you can';t even go out of the traffic jam, seen from the 29th floor

I like high buildings

it's Bekasi part haha, so cruel

the cruel Commuter life

place where I like the night atmosphere

where the place taken to sit for two

it's always the beginning of my journey in Jakarta

from 29th floor , 88 Tower Jakarta
Anggi Restiana Dewi

Sleeping with The Earth

the camp near Ranukumbolo Semeru last 2012, it looks like just neighbourhood moving in hahaha

our tent in fist pos of Argopuro last October
preparing for food, things I love from camping
   Why making yourself work hard to sleep outside in the open air? Why making yourself suffer to get the chance sleep in unpermanent place? Why do you keep doing those things? Those are the questions asked to us, some people called nature lover who love to do outdoor activities and camping in every chance we get. We're hiking this to another mountains, spend several days to complete our trip which can fulfil our thirst of travelling. For some people, camping looks tiring and it only makes yourself suffer. But for some people like me and my pals, camping in hiking trip is one way to escape from our boring routine and have a new grateful spirit after coming back from trip. How can we not grateful after coming from going in and out of quiet forest? Thing is, when after a long time we don't go on hiking and camping trip, it feels like we live like we're dying hahaha. It's pretty that much the meaning for me. I'm not an athlette for this mount climbing but I enjoy doing that especially when I go with my dearest friends. 
   There's a saying I know 

" Now I know the secret of making the best person. It's to go out and sleep with the earth.". 

Can't agree more with this saying because I experience it myself. Whenever I come back from hiking, I'll become more grateful since I get the chance to come back home safely *with several injuries usually* . It's been 6 months since the last time I go camping. I do really miss to feel sleeping in open air, walking together through the hot weather or foggy weather, stop the whole day trekking, building a tent in camping spot, cuddling in small tent for several people, cooking and share jokes together near the camp. Ah what a happy trip, I just miss my college life when our time was still unlimited back then. And as working people, it will be great If I can go camping again maybe this month or next month :D

foggy camp in Cikuray mount April 2014

When will we go camping again? I hope sooon ~~

Anggi R. Dewi

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Penempatan Kemana?

   Penempatan adalah kata yang paling menggelitik telinga untuk ditanyakan kepada para alumni STAN yang sudah selesai melakukan kewajiban On Job Training. Tak terkecuali bagi kami STANers lulusan 2013 yang sempat terkatung - katung nasibnya 10 bulan tak terurus. Selesai sudah kewajiban kami OJT di kantor masing - masing (dalam hal ini aku di Temanggung) dan otomatis berganti status jadi anak magang yang masih CPNS. Sementara teman - teman kami di area peradaban utama (sebut saja Jabodetabek) sudah diperjelas satu step lebih dulu dengan diklat pra-jabatan. Dan, kami yang di daerah masih harus sabar menunggu. Maklum ya, adanya moratorium sempat membuat kehidupanku agak carut marut apalagi untuk pemborosan umur setahun menunggu diurus kejelasan status oleh negara sempat membuatku menyesal kenapa memilih kuliah di STAN. Mungkin ini ujian kesabaran, ya kalo protes tanpa bisa bersyukur kapan kamu dewasanya dan orangtua juga cuma bisa menyarankanku untuk bersabar lagi. Sebagai anak perempuan tertua dan pertama yang akan menyandang status bekerja dengan penghasilan tetap per bulan (kalo SK sudah turun dan resmi jadi PNS) setidaknya aku bisa lega karena lifeplan bisa diperbaiki saat status penempatanku sudah jelas. Ya, untuk menyesuaikan keseluruhan lifeplanku jelas dimulai dengan tempat menetapku setelah penempatanku jelas diketahui dimana lokasinya.
   Berbicara tentang penempatan, yang tahun kemarin tidak ada poling pilihan dan dapatnya kaya gosok kupon, dapet bagus syukur dapet yang ga diinginkan ya nasib. Semua orang jelas punya lokasi pilihan favoritnya masing - masing, begitupun denganku. Di saat sebagian besar orang tidak menginginkan Jakarta, aku malah memilih kota ini di urutan pertama (dan sekarang mulai bimbang karena sudah sekian bulan kembali ke kampung halaman). Jakarta menawarkan peradaban yang kuinginkan, kehidupannya yang tak mengenal sepi, walaupun sebagian besarnya bisa saja kauhabiskan di jalan karena macet, tapi semua yang kuinginkan ada di sana karena akses utama yang kubutuhkan bisa dimulai dari Jakarta. Pulang kampung sekali jalan naik kendaraan umum langsung tujuan ke Magelang ada, mau kemanapun ada jalur transportasinya.
   Mengingat pilihan kami untuk penempatan diberi tiga, yang tahun ini entah kami akan diberikan poling pilihan atau tidak, satu pilihan di Jawa dan dua lainnya di luar Jawa. Untuk pilihan di Jawa sepertinya tetap Jakarta yang akan kupilih, dan dua pilihan luar Jawa yaitu Denpasar dan Batam ( Lombok). Maruk ya yang dipilih kota besar dan favorit semua. Denpasar, ibukota Bali yang terkenal dengan pariwisatanya dan ramai turis asing. Menyiapkan plan A dan plan B seandainya pilihanku terkabul ataupun tidak tetap harus, apalagi untuk cewek ga sadar IP sepertiku hahaha kalau penempatannya mempertimbangkan IP.

Dua pilihan yang masih dalam kebimbangan antara Batam atau Lombok hahaha, yang dipilih tempat wisata semua.
Mohon maap ya, memang sudah direncanakan kalau tahun depan (berharap taun ini) penpals yang bisanya ditemui tidak secara tatap muka langsung benar - benar siap ke Indonesia sudah siap jadi host dan ngajak keliling tempat wisata yang bagus. hahaha. Ditambah lokasi - lokasi itu reccomended untuk para lajang yang masih ingin bertualang. Mumpung masih sendiri dan belum ada tanggungan, travelling lah selagi bisa. Semoga dapat ataupun tidak pilihan, semua tetap mendukung travelling sesuai rencana. Berharap boleh saja kan, sambil minta doa orangtua, siapa tau dapat ~

Maret sudah dua pertiganya terlewat,
Jadi kapan dan penempatan kemana?
Wallahu alam

Just pray for everything to go well as you wish ~

Anggi Restiana Dewi

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015


   Have you ever heard about angkringan? If you're living in Indonesia, Central Java and Jogjakarta it's familiar enough to find this angkringan thing. Angkringan which is also well known for it's "nasi kucing" menu or cat portion menu that's small for its amount and the price is economical and affordable, an alternative to spend time eating together with friends. Especially for students. Since the price is affordable, and the traditional menu they can have angkringan is one of most favourite places to eat. There are various food you can eat beside "nasi kucing", such as satay, fried foods like bakwan, tempe, tofu or "ceker" and other food called bacem. Bacem is kind of food (usually tofu, tempe and egg) made with traditional ingredients like palm sugar, ginger, bayleaf, pepper boiled then fried. Usually bacem tastes sweet, but I like it :D
If you haven't been to angkringan, try it once and you'll know why it's addictive to go there over and over again ~

anak gaul angkringan