Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Karaoke Room

Side by side sitting, no certain talking
Just the melody tells how we feel
Happiness, brokenhearted, crazy thought and messed feeling fill this karaoke room
A love song meant to be sang together, then I break the mood in the middle part
I can't stand to sing that..
I may spill my feelings for you afterwards, oh noo I don't wanna do that
I have to keep my promise not to come first, not to sway my heart again
I will just wait, and stay in my place
I am in the mode when I choose mountain over guys,
I locked myself in, it doesn't matter..
This far I'm already alone,
I keep emphazise this promise to myself, but I can't be that idealist
Your voice keeps coming through my head, the song you sing beside me melted me like idiot
Oh God why...
Don't choose that kind of song, I might fall for you again this time..
Dear the guy from my cieezone for 3 years long, I don't know what I'm gonna say more..

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