Hello Canopy Bridge, after once failed to go to Bangkirai caused by the slippery track that made us fall down and this second time we finally made it. There were the ones who couldn't join the trip, there were also the big mouth ones but not even joining. There we go, after getting one more sudden member and go as planned. Sunday 9 a.m me, mbak Rest, Icang, Udik, and Mas Angga went to Bangkirai, although we were deadly tired after ICV. Bismillah!
Two hours exact time
we spent to reach Bangkirai from the city, touchdown yeay! We reached the place
before dhuhur and the weather still nice finally we made it to Bangkirai. With
k entrance tiket and k for the Canopy Bridge, trekking into the forest about 15
minutes successfully made us sweat. The view along the entrance trek to Canopy
Bridge was great, although it’s unlike mountaineering but going to forest like
that made me really happy. There were many high
Kalimantan trees, many Bangkirai trees (which was taken as this place
name), there were many adopted plants too. Wanna adopt one too but I don’t know
how to do so, could somebody tell me?
Oiya, bagi yang iseng dan tangannya suka usil harap hati- hati karena di lubang pepohonan sering ada ularnya. Beberapa pohon sudah ditulisi peringatan, yang penting jangan usil dan tetap seperlunya. Antrian untuk melintasi jembatan gantung ini tak terlalu banyak untungnya, walaupun ada rombongan lain yang berlama – lama tak mau gantian kloter selanjutnya waktu kunjungan kami tampaknya belum sampai puncaknya. Sempat agak kesal karena rombongan sebelum kami yang lamaaanya minta ampun, ditambah vandalisme di kayu – kayu canopy bridge ini rasanya #kretek bikin hati ini retak karena emosi. Kalo nggak bisa ngerawat please atuh jangan ngerusak, setidaknya biarkan aja sebagaimana adanya.
Canopy Bridge ini
terdiri dari beberapa bagian yang saling menghubungkan satu pohon ke pohon
lainnya dan hanya boleh dilewati satu per satu orang di tiap jembatannya.
Sebenarnya ketinggian adalah salah satu phobia dari beberapa yang kupunya,
alhamdulilah sih walaupun jalan timik – timik aku berhasil melewati jembatan –
jembatan gantung itu. Dan ketagihan, tapi kami hanya sekian menit di atas,
jalan melewati jembatan, foto – foto, menikmati pemandangan hutan dari
ketinggian. Subhanallah bahagia rasanya menatap hamparan pohon dari ketinggian.
Semoga kebakaran – kebakaran hutan tidak terjadi lagi ke depannya ya. Katanya
paru – paru dunia masa bopengan, kan ga keren.
Canopy Bridge consist
of several parts that connect one tree to another and only one person allowed
each when passing through the hanging bridge. Actually height is one of my
phobia, Alhamdulillah walking slowly and I could pass all of them. And addicted, but unfortunately we only crossed the bridge in several minutes, taking pictures, enjoying the forest view from heights. Subhanallah I was really happy to see the view. Hope that there's no more forest burnt in the future. It's totally uncool seeing the world's lung being burnt that way.

Setelah naik jembatan gantung kami tak langsung pulang, tapi
trekking ke kebun anggrek dan kebun buah yang ternyata kering -__- Ya ampun
sudah sejauh ini kami jalan, tapi lumayanlah sudah lama ga trekking keluar
masuk hutan. Keringat bercucuran, gambling jalan keluar untung ketemu jalur
yang benar, pulanglah kami dengan perut keroncongan dan langit yang mulai
mendung .
After passing the
Canopy Bridge, we didn’t go home right after but walked along the trek to
orchid and fruits area that turned out to be dry. -___- We’ve walked that far,
good enough for me since long time no trekking into the forest. Sweating,
gambling to decide the way home and there it was the right track, we went home
starving and the sky started to turn dark

Rencana bablas ke pantai kota sebelah batal karena waktu
dirasa mepet, pulanglah kami dengan banyak pikiran dan cucian. Nyuciin mobil,
sholat, pulaaang.
Our beachwalking plan
was being pushed back since we’re running out of time. We went home with many
things in mind and clothes waiting to be done. Washed the car, prayed, went
home right after.
See you the in another trip
we’re going to have fun ~
Anggi Restiana
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