I do what I like and I like what I do, let's fix this ruined life plan start from today :D
Senin, 30 November 2015
Cintaku di Pulau Sebelah
Sabtu, 28 November 2015
Afraid to fall down from heights, afraid to cross the bridge while watching around me
Afraid to fall in love again
That would be the same feeling to have here
Afraid of heights is one thing I have for long, I will mumble or scream when my fear reach its limit
Same thing going to happen when my fear of falling in love happen
For all this 23 years I've lived, broken heart and being ignored or being left are my close friends, I've reacted to those in many ways
Who knows what I did behind every smile and happy expressions I showed to you people
There's a saying ' The one who laugh the most, cry the loudest', same thing happens here
Even though people see me as a though girl, crying wouldn't be impossible to me
I've been crazy for these past years, failed to improve the status from friend to the next level was one of the thing ever driving me insane
I closed the probability I had with another guy then live faraway from suck love stories
It's just the same analogy when I once fall from heights or being slipped when passing a bridge, I don't wanna cross it again
Last Sunday I realize it, why being afraid when you haven't even try it..
Suck things may happened in the past but who knows this gotta fail or succeed...
Being so sure then I cross the bridge from heights slowly but sure and feeling happy that I am able to go through it..
Same thing gonna happen, I won't close my heart just because I'm scared of the suck love stories I had..
Passing the bridge and succeed, falling in love again and be happy finding your Mr destiny~~
Stay gorgeous and happy,
Jumat, 27 November 2015
Tasting the Premiere
All my life been watching at the cinema in economy class, now I get the chance to taste the premiere.
We got blanket, nice sleeping chair and a small desk for two.
It' s nice to go there some more time, alhamdulillah rejeki anak soleha that night we got it for free..
Good thing comes for those who didn't wish for it sometimes :p
Cheers from the premiere,
Postcrossing Again!
Sunny day, burning sunlight couldn't stopped me from going to the post office, riding motorcycle and be happy finding the orange building standing in the city. It's bigger than the one in my hometown, hope this won't make my postcard being ruined during the way or lost ever again.
Look, the left pic was the postcard to my penpal in Rusia and the right was the huge stamp I bought from the post office. :">
Happy postcrossing again dear, find another activity that will never break your heart!
Rabu, 25 November 2015
Canopy Bridge Bukit Bangkirai, finally unlocked!
Hello Canopy Bridge, after once failed to go to Bangkirai caused by the slippery track that made us fall down and this second time we finally made it. There were the ones who couldn't join the trip, there were also the big mouth ones but not even joining. There we go, after getting one more sudden member and go as planned. Sunday 9 a.m me, mbak Rest, Icang, Udik, and Mas Angga went to Bangkirai, although we were deadly tired after ICV. Bismillah!
Oiya, bagi yang iseng dan tangannya suka usil harap hati- hati karena di lubang pepohonan sering ada ularnya. Beberapa pohon sudah ditulisi peringatan, yang penting jangan usil dan tetap seperlunya. Antrian untuk melintasi jembatan gantung ini tak terlalu banyak untungnya, walaupun ada rombongan lain yang berlama – lama tak mau gantian kloter selanjutnya waktu kunjungan kami tampaknya belum sampai puncaknya. Sempat agak kesal karena rombongan sebelum kami yang lamaaanya minta ampun, ditambah vandalisme di kayu – kayu canopy bridge ini rasanya #kretek bikin hati ini retak karena emosi. Kalo nggak bisa ngerawat please atuh jangan ngerusak, setidaknya biarkan aja sebagaimana adanya.

Selasa, 24 November 2015
Wet Outbond in Gazebo Daun KPP 721
Ekspektasi dan realita acara outbond semacam ini kadang memang berbeda. Kelihatannya cuaca cerah, dan ternyata di tengah acara hujan turun deras. Outbond ini dimulai dengan sambutan Kepala Kantor kami Pak Anton Budi Setiawan dan juga sambutan dari perwakilan Pusdiklat Pajak, Bu Ida Hamidah which is pembina DTSD kami. Mungkin yang DTSD angkatan V masih ingat dengan beliau :"
Games dimulai dengan sambung kata, bagi kelompok setelah ditutup mata dan masuklah aku ke kasta kelompok Anjing -__- Why all of the animals it should be this one?
Kelompok Anjing atau sebut saja kelompok 1 isinya adalah orang - orang yang berisik, sebenarnya ketua kelompoknya aja sih. Games - games yang dipertandingkan ada di 5 pos, dan kelompok kami nyaris menang telak. Apes di games tepung sih di pos 4. Pos 1 games balap jalan pake tangan menang telak, games kedua injak balon berlangsubng lebih brutal dan koplak juga menang, games 3 menangkap telur dengan jaring karena hoki kelompok ini akhirnya menang dan di pos terakhir pos 5 kami menang juga di games pindah pralon.
Ekspektasiku terhadap acara ini ketinggian, untung hujan deras setelah lima games tadi membuat suasana lebih seru. Ada games di luar 5 pos tadi, perang guling yang akhirnya aku turun ke kolam mewakili kelompok dan dikalahkan Galan setelah perang saudara satu seksi ini. Kalah panjang kaki dan kalah karena terlalu berat aku jatuh setelah pukulan ketiga, ah bodobanget sih Nggi -___-
Kurang seru rasanya kalo hanya pasrah, aku menmanjat arena lagi dan menendangnya sampai jatuh ke air. Hahahha Sorry bro..
Hujan semakin deras, games tambahan diadakan biar acara semakin meriah. Hadiahnya hape, lumayan sih tapi aku ga ikut - ikutan karena dilarang main dua kali. Akhirnya main kecipak kecipik air empang sambil hujan - hujanan. Bahagiaaaa banget rasanya setelah sekian lama ga hujan - hujan begini.
Well, pembagian doorpize pun bukan hal yang wah karena luck ku yang tak begitu bagus. Uwww badluck me, untung kelompok menang juara 1 walaupun hadiahnya tas sponsor KPP :"""
Kamis, 19 November 2015
Roaster and Bear Cafe, one place to stop by at Jogja
Kondangan dan pulang ke kampung halaman adalah alasan kenapa aku bisa ke tempat ini, cafe yang lagi ngehits di kalangan anak Jogja dan sering dipost di instagram atau path oleh teman - teman ini terletak di jantung kota Jogja. Roaster and Bear Cafe yang terletak di depan Hotel Harper ini adalah salah satu tempat nongkrong terfavorit dan jarang sepi, apalagi ketika weekend tiba lokasi ini adalah salah satu yang bakal membuatmu harus rela mengantri.
Attending wedding and going back to hometown are the reasons I could come to this place, a happening cafe in Jogjaers and often posted in istagram or path is located in the heart of Jogja. Roaster and Bear Cafe is located in front of Harper hotel is one of the most favourites cafe to hangout. This cafe will make you have to wait in line to reserve it during the weekend.

Roaster and Bear, a cafe decorated with bears in every corner of this building. For you teddy bear lovers, in one corner of this place there's a teddy you can hug and take selfie together ^^v

Dengan menu menu ala cafe yang cukup beragam dan konsepnya unik, wifi super kencang, cafe ini memiliki magnet menarik pengunjung dengan caranya sendiri untuk sekedar mampir ataupun nongkrong lama.
With various menu and unique concept, super speed wifi,this cafe attracts visitors to keep coming with its own way.

One visit is never enough, try to drop by sometimes ~

Anggi R. Dewi
Selasa, 17 November 2015
Short Kondangan Trip to Hometown
Senin, 09 November 2015
Dilema jadi Pecinta Alam Cewek
1. Sering dianggap terlalu mandiri sampai teman temanmu menganggapmu laki – laki
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coffeeinthemountain.tumblr |
2. Dianggap bisa melakukan semua hal sendiri
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walkingwithwired.com |
6. Dianggap rawan friendzone
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walkingwithwired.com |
7. Image ogah dandan dan cuek melekat erat
http://kellbell-whywouldanyonereadthis.blogspot.co.id |