Berawal dari solo trip birthday runaway sebelumnya, keinginan untuk
melakukan solo trip lainnya semakin menguat. Berbekal tiket one way KL -
Perth yang akhirnya kubeli setelah gagal mendapat promo Air Asia
lainnya, Australia trip ini benar benar masuk ke rencana.
Started with solo trip birthday runaway before, the will to do solo trip just getting bigger. With one way ticket KL- Perth I bought after not getting another Air Asia promo, this Australia trip is getting in to the plan.
Started with solo trip birthday runaway before, the will to do solo trip just getting bigger. With one way ticket KL- Perth I bought after not getting another Air Asia promo, this Australia trip is getting in to the plan.
I finally challenge myself to continue the solo trip mood rather than going together :">
- sunny day
Setelah melalui beberapa fase dan compromising, merasakan rempongnya
ngumpulin dokumen untuk apply visa, dan susah payahnya ngumpulkan uang
di rekening (plus dapat pinjaman untuk menggendutkan saldo),
alhamdulillah dua minggu penuh kesan akhirnya terjadi. Rangkaian trip ke
tiga kota mainstream di Australia ini kuawali dari bagian barat, Perth
City! Rencana awal adalah trekking bareng teman kuliah ke Kalbarri
National Park yang harus gagal karena timing yang tidak pas. Well salah
perkiraan dan sukses mengobrak abrik keseluruhan rencana sukses
membuatku kecewa patah hati. Luckily I choose to join one day trip yang
sukses membangkitkan mood lagi.
After many phases and compromising, the difficulties in collecting the
documents for visa apply and how hard it was to collect the money
(getting the loan for stabilizing my bank account), alhamdulillah two
weeks full of stories happened. The trip to three mainstream cities in
Australia started from Western part, Perth City! The initial plan is
trekking to Kalbarri National Park but the timing wasn't possible. Wrong
prediction ruined the whole plan and broke my heart sucessfully.
Luckily I choose to join one day trip which boost my mood after.
- heal the broken heart with this!
Sementara patah hati karena Kalbarri, trip 5 days in Perth kususun ulang lagi. While brokenhearted of Kalbarri, 5 days trip in Perth is being rearranged. Here what I did there back then.
Day 1
- dearest sunrise
First sunrise to see in Australia, I'm so happy!
Tiba di kota pertama dengan suhu yang ternyata masih 9 derajat Celcius
ini sukses membuat hidungku mbeler. First thing to do setelah sampai
adalah beli Simcard lokal, yep kebutuhan primer buat si tukang nyasar
sepertiku demi koneksi internet dan komunikasi lebih lancar. Menuju
hostel yang berada di kawasan Perth CBD dengan bus berjarak tempuh satu
jam ini sukses membuatku bahagia
*ndeso banget ngga papa ya maklum baru pertama ngerasain musim semi* .
Hostel untuk dua malam ini adalah Backpack City and Surf, yang paling
murah nemu di situs booking hahaha cewek murah dasar. Gapapa tinggal di
tempat murah yang penting orangnya ga murahan. Dan ternyata tinggal di
tempat yang sama kaya temen, sempit banget yaampun dunia ketemunya lu
lagi lu lagi.
sunrise to see in Australia, I'm so happy! Arrived in the first city
with 9 degrees Celcius temperature sucessfully made my nose running.
First thing to do after arrival is buying the local Simcard, yep primary
needs for easily get lost people like me and for better internet
connection and communication. Going to my hostel in CBD area within an
hour bus riding made me totally happy *please forgive me for being too happy, this is my first spring hehe*.
Backpack City and Surf is the place to stay for two nights, the
cheapest I found on hahaha cheap minded girl. As long as I'm
not being cheap it's fine to stay in cheap place. And I met my friend
there, oh man what a small world, again and again.

- Perth mint
agenda is to go around the city using Perth CAT Bus, walking aroung
Northbridhe area is another happy factor. Going everywhere on foot in my
own country is not this comfortable, even hearing the traffic light
sign already make me happy. The whole day walking with Perth weather
like this is really amusing to me. During the lunchtime my hungry tummy
bring me to Indonesia Indah, an Indonesian restaurant. A plate of rice,
chichken and eggplant boost my energy after walking along. Well, using
the CAT bus I get many places to visit today, Western Australia Museum,
Perth Mint, Bell Tower, Gedung Parlemen, Tourism Center, St Marry's
Church, any place for hop on and hop off today plus walking around never
gets me bored. It's just the weather made me a bit uneasy, no more
Malamnya didatengin kakaknya temen dan dibawain ayam segelundung plus nasi, hepi!
At night my friend sister came and bring me the whole chichken and rice, happy!
At night my friend sister came and bring me the whole chichken and rice, happy!
Day 2
- playing with the kangaroos
kedua adalah one day trip yang kuikuti dengan paket trip menuju Nambung
National Park dan Caversham Wildlife Park. This is my most favourite
part so far, karena Kalbarri nya gagal. HAHAHA! Why I choose this?
Alasan pertama karena akses kendaraan ke beda wilayah susah, kecuali
bisa nyetir dan sewa mobil sendiri, jelas ngga mungkin. Alasan kedua
adalah keinginan buat foto sama kangaroo dan koala secara langsung bisa
diakomodir dengan rapi tanpe perlu kerepotan mengejar mereka ke alam
liar sesungguhnya.
day was one day trip I joined with tour package to Nambung National
Park and Caversham Wildlife Park. This is my most favourite part so far,
since Kalbarri got cancelled. HAHAHA! Why I choose this? First reason
is the area isn't accesible, you gotta bring the car and rent it,
impossible for me. Second is that I wanna take pictures with kangaroo
and koala without having to see them in the real wild area.
- The Pinnacles
Pagi pagi keluar hostel setelah mandi air dingin yang bikin megap megap
*gendeng sih ga pake hot shower*, sarapan samosa yang sedikit terganggu karena nyaris keselek ketemu temen sendiri di trip. Ya Tuhan lu lagi lu lagi
,kzl sih tapi yaudah. Hari ini harus have fun! Ketemu dua cewek Jepang yang mirip Chef Aiko,
salah mengejar bis yang kami kira mobil jemputan, petualangan ke Nambung
morning I left the hostel after cold showering *crazy girl didnt take
the hot one instead*, having brekkie with samosa and get interrupted
since I met my friend in the trip. Oh my God, you again *I got mad but
ya it's fine*. I gotta have fun today. Met these two cute Japanese girls
who looked like Chef Aiko, chase the wrong bus, the Nambung adventure

pertama ke Caversham Wildlife Park, yep I finally could touched and
play with kangaroos there! See Koala and wombat too, ndeso banget gak
papa ya.
agenda to Caversham Wildlife Park, yep I finally could touched and play
with kangaroos there! See Koala and wombat too, too happy forgive me.
meninggalkan Caversham kami menuju ke The Pinnacles yang berjarak
tempuh 3 jam dari pusat kota Perth. So here it is the stones!
Next we are heading to The Pinnacles which is 3 hours ride from Perth. So here it is the stones!
party di pinggir pantai, lunch time! Jadi chef sehari sekaligus konser
sendiri, sorry ya gengs can't stop myself not to sing.Next we are heading to The Pinnacles which is 3 hours ride from Perth. So here it is the stones!
Barbeque party near the beach, lunch time! Being one day chef plus having a little concert myself, sorry pals can't stop myself not to sing. We enjoy the meal and get burnt by the sun in the beach!
- wush, sandboarding for the first time
destination of the day, Lancelin Sand Dunes! Yeay trying sandboarding
for the first time, tapi sayang board nya ngeselin macet mulu di tengah
jalan.The sandboard stuck in the middle of sandboarding and it was
awful. Well, the happiest day so far I think! Going back to the city
happily while singing and playing games :D
Day 3
ke suburb yang semakin sepi adalah ide yang tak begitu baik sepertinya,
malam ini tempat stay ku berpindah ke Mount Lawley yang berjarak tempuh
setengah jam dari pusat kota. Meskipun akses mudah ternyata tinggal di
tempat sepi ga cocok untukku yang berisik dan suka ngobrol. So after put
my bag, going to Fremantle is todays plan.
One day in Fremantle banget ini mah, dari siang sampai sore berkeliling Fremantle mulai dari Shipwreck gallery, Fremantle market yang ternyata tutup, Fremantle prison yang terkenal dan menuju dermaga sambil berjemur
*padahal kulit mulai ngelupas seperti ular*
to quiet suburb supposed to be not so good idea, I moved to Mount
Lawley which is 30 minutes away from the city. The access is fine but
not a suitable place for noisy person like me. So after put my bag,
going to Fremantle is todays plan.One day in Fremantle spending the day
to explore Fremantle from Shipwreck gallery, Fremantle market that
closed, the famous Fremantle prison then go to the deck while sunbathing
*my skin is about to peel off like snake*One day in Fremantle banget ini mah, dari siang sampai sore berkeliling Fremantle mulai dari Shipwreck gallery, Fremantle market yang ternyata tutup, Fremantle prison yang terkenal dan menuju dermaga sambil berjemur
- used to be the most preserved prison
menjelang malam pulang ke kos harian ini dan malah ketiduran, batal ke
Kings Park malam ini padahal udah disamperin. Mohon maap kak.
Unconsciously sleep this afternoon, not going to Kings Park. I'm sorry kak.
Unconsciously sleep this afternoon, not going to Kings Park. I'm sorry kak.
Day 4
- one day out with Priscila
share house nya lumayan, teman serumahnya ramah ramah dan tampan,
sayang karena terlalu sepi mending pindah :" Dan malam terakhir stay di
Perth aku berpindah hostel lagi di kawasan CBD, tepatnya di Haus
Accomodation. Janjian one day out bareng Priscilla, teman dari Malaysia
kami menuju Blue Boathing House, University of Western Australia dan
Kings Park. Productive sekali kami trekking menuju Kings Park melalui
jalur trek yang jauh, dan ada sepasang suami istri yang ngasih kita Coke
dingin. Duh baiknya, seneng banget dikasih Coke aja hepi
apalagi dikasih jodoh *damn ngomong apasih*.Actually
the sharehouse was fine, friendly and handsome housemates, but it was
too quiet so I moved. And the last night in Perth I moved to CBD, in
Haus Accomodation. One day out with Priscilla, my Malaysia friend we
went to Blue Boathing House, University of Western Australia and Kings
Park. We were really productive trekking to Kings Park through the long
track, then there's an Australian couple gave us Coke. Only a Coke but
we're happy,
gave me a boyfriend I'll be happier *damn what did I just say*

Meet up with Prunella and family after getting lost around Murray Street, so happy to meet many good people here. Ah, If only I got the chance to be hosted it would be nicer. Tonight there;s Dipavali festival for Indian people near Bell Tower. Alhamdulillah it's free to join, walking around and watching the festival plus fireworks parade. Ah happy :"
Day 5
hard this morning, nah lho mau pergi segan tinggal pun tak mau. Jadi
sambil menunggu hujan reda, setelah beres sarapan dan check out, hanya
beberapa tempat yang kudatangi sambil menghabiskan waktu di sekitar
kota. Art Gallery of Western Australia, Murray Street dan makan
fastfood, Perth Mosque, that's all of the agenda of today. Naik bus lagi
menuju ke bandara, ngobrol dengan orang orang baru sambil menunggu
jadwal flight di bandara, thats more than enough.
Raining hard this morning, not staying but couldnt go. So while waiting the rain to stop, after brekkie and check out, only few places I visit today. Art Gallery of Western Australia, Murray Street and eat fastfood, Perth Mosque, that's all of the agenda of today. Take the bus to airport, talking to strangers while waiting for the flight, thats more than enough.
Raining hard this morning, not staying but couldnt go. So while waiting the rain to stop, after brekkie and check out, only few places I visit today. Art Gallery of Western Australia, Murray Street and eat fastfood, Perth Mosque, that's all of the agenda of today. Take the bus to airport, talking to strangers while waiting for the flight, thats more than enough.
- Perth Mosque :)

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