"The One That Got Away"
Summer after high school when we first met
We made out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th Birthday
We got matching tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor
And climb to the roof
Talk about our future
Like we had a clue
Never planned that one day
I'd be losing you
In another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you
I put those records on (Whoa)
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the Blues
It's time to face the music
I'm no longer your muse
But in another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3]
The one that got away
All this money can't buy me a time machine (Nooooo)
Can't replace you with a million rings (Nooooo)
I should've told you what you meant to me (Whoa)
'Cause now I pay the price
That the one that got away song is being played in my playlist now.I'm crying remembering you're the one who was always that adorable in my eyes.That moving on thing keeps me confused and unfocused.
"You have to move on,wi.Don't stay stuck on a guy like him.He's not just into you." I always remember how many people around me said.My friends,they didn't want me to get hurt because of that desperating love thing.
Hahaha..I laugh everytime I remember how stupid I was,being the girl who can't be moved person like in The Script song "The Man Who Can't Be Moved"
I was the most desperate and hubbub girl before.Besides,I was a cheerful girl so it could cover my desperate feeling.Hmm..
Years ago,one by one people around me realized I had fallen for him,the desperating person.Let's call him Rama.We're just strangers..Totally strangers because of that kinda bullying thing.Hwaaaaa I couldn't get closer to Rama..He ignored me .Huhuhu we were so abnormally communicated.I just wanted to be friends but he kept ignoring me..
Nowadays that boring feeling comes.I'm tired living a desperating love story like this.God,give me a clear explanation about this stuck story.Let me remember him,not falling for him again.I wanna get a happier feeling for the new person I'm still looking for.
Don't care if it's him or not.This song keeps me remembering,not to fall for this kind of this guy again.But,to remind me that once in a lifetime I've fallen for him..The One That Got Away :")
This is a saygoodbye writing for you,Rama..
#a song from Dewi to Rama
I do what I like and I like what I do, let's fix this ruined life plan start from today :D
Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012
Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Tax Got Tallent
Sayang sekali pas audisinya nggak ikut,sekalinya ikut final langsung disuruh nyanyi..Feeling depressed seriously.Masih nggak enak banget sama anak kelas..Setelah ditroll dan diforsir latihan flasmob,nyanyi segala macem paket lengkap kami tampil hari Minggu,20 Mei 2012..Sebulan yang lalu :D
Nah ceritanya kami sempet dibikin naik pitam gara- gara udah di deket stage dan penampilan kami diundur - undur.Sampe RAN pun mendahului kami tampil..Ditambah hujan berkali - kali datang..Hiks sedih penonton langsung bubar jalan kan ya.Dindur selama 5 jam??Nangis bombay,bete,kesel,keluar tanduk sampe mau ngamuk - ngamuk rasanya.
Alhamdulillah kami tampil juga ya Allah,. #terharu
Didahului penampilan band performance dengan model - model videoklip ala 2B..Band nya pake kostum batik di atas panggung,aku nyanyi sama Well,Yona,Singgih sama Yoga,Yovi yeaaay..Si Ojan jadi peri cinta kisahnya Yana sama Ayu di lagu performance kelas kami.Sampe dikejar kejar anak Stapala yang kebetulan nonton kami secara nggak sengaja.haha
After all kami total sekali,aku senang semua selesai.Walaupun nggak menang,perasaan campuraduk nggak karuan.Selesai sudah semuanya hahahaha ditutup flasmob kami berjoget riang gembira :D
Ini broken love nya,walaupun ga lengkap kami foto :D |
Alhamdulillah kami tampil juga ya Allah,. #terharu
Didahului penampilan band performance dengan model - model videoklip ala 2B..Band nya pake kostum batik di atas panggung,aku nyanyi sama Well,Yona,Singgih sama Yoga,Yovi yeaaay..Si Ojan jadi peri cinta kisahnya Yana sama Ayu di lagu performance kelas kami.Sampe dikejar kejar anak Stapala yang kebetulan nonton kami secara nggak sengaja.haha
After all kami total sekali,aku senang semua selesai.Walaupun nggak menang,perasaan campuraduk nggak karuan.Selesai sudah semuanya hahahaha ditutup flasmob kami berjoget riang gembira :D
ini cewe2 foto narsis dengan muka udah capek heuheu |
ini aku hahaha lagi senyum :3 |
ini pakdhe Marto basis,si vokalis Well Sianturi,sama Singgih gitaris |
Selasa, 12 Juni 2012
Ini Dia Cerita Makrab kelasku 2B Tercinta
Setelah kesedihan berlarut karena kelas 1J dulu gagal makrab,alhamdulillah wasyukurillah kelas 2B ku makrab.Nyanayanaya Ujung Genteng pula :3
Sebelum makrab sempet hampir ga boleh gara- gara bimbingan mabim caving ngga bisa bisa,nyangkut di zumar lah,gelantungan di tali dan bikin bete kadiv yang notabene adalah temen sekelasku..
Lalalalala berangkat makrab dari Bintaro jam 12 malem setelah sebelumnya numpang pipis di Lawson wkwkwkwk..Pekok,biarin..
Kami dibagi kelompok buat games2
Walaupun ada 4 orang ga ikut makrab,tapi seruuu tetep.Sayang kami ngga ke Penyu hiks,gagal padahal jalan jauh sampe si Ojan ngambek..
Malem ada award segala macem dan truth or dare.Sialnya aku kena.Nyanyanya disuruh nyebutin cowo terganteng di kelas..My goood =..=
Aku dapet 2 award lhoo,terlambat dan terlelap.hahahha harusnya ada lagi,tergalau.kekekeke
Pokoknya makrab kami menyenangkan dan bahagia.Pengen makrab lagi aaaaaaaaa :")
Sebelum makrab sempet hampir ga boleh gara- gara bimbingan mabim caving ngga bisa bisa,nyangkut di zumar lah,gelantungan di tali dan bikin bete kadiv yang notabene adalah temen sekelasku..
Lalalalala berangkat makrab dari Bintaro jam 12 malem setelah sebelumnya numpang pipis di Lawson wkwkwkwk..Pekok,biarin..
Kami dibagi kelompok buat games2
Ini dia kelompokku..Taraaaa,ada aku,Indri,Bagus,Ojan,Alfan.tapitapi sayaaang deh kalah |
Ini foto kami loncat di pantai biru baguuuus.Kyaaaa ujung Genteeeng :3 |
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Ini persiapan pas games niup balon segalam macem,seneng deh xD |
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Ini foto kami semua melompat riang gembira ke awan awan hehe.. |
Malem ada award segala macem dan truth or dare.Sialnya aku kena.Nyanyanya disuruh nyebutin cowo terganteng di kelas..My goood =..=
Aku dapet 2 award lhoo,terlambat dan terlelap.hahahha harusnya ada lagi,tergalau.kekekeke
Ini dia terlambat versi 2B,aneh banget aku lagi gini fotonya =..= |
Menang terlelapnya 2B ekekeke,emang tukang tidur sih..wkwkwkwk |
Ini aku disuruh ngasih awardnya lho,gara2 si Ojan senior Stapala ku ==' |
gagal ke Penyu hiks sediiiih T__T |
We're in Paradise lallala pantainya baguuuus :3 |
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Narsis dong aku sendiri foto hahahahha |
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