bermalam di kereta dari Sydney, sampailah aku di kota terakhir trip
ini, Melbourne! This multicultural city supposed to be nice If I could
stay longer, sadly I got only 3 days. Dua malam tidur di city dan satu
malam menginap di hostel dekat pantai, itinerary yang kulakukan selama
di Melbourne tak terlalu ngoyo dan lebih kalem.
After spending the night from Sydney, I arrived in the last city, Melbourne!This multicultural city supposed to be nice If I could stay longer, sadly I got only 3 days. Two nights I spend in the city and one night in a hostel near the beach, I do slower move itinerary here.

- the view I see when waking up
Day 10
tiba pindah hostel semalam ini, ngekor Jasmin yang bakalan tinggal di
Kings Street aku memutuskan untuk mengurangi waktu stay di St Kilda
beach yang ku booking sebelumnya. It's decided, I stay in Melbourne
Interconnection Travellers for one night. Hostelmates di sini juga baik
baik, and I met my first muslim friend from France after several days.
Sayangnya lupa tukeran Facebook dan foto bareng hahaha, si pea'.
move to the hostel for one night and follow Jasmin to stay in Kings
Street I reduce the stay in St Kilda beach then. Its decided I stay in
Melbourne Interconnection Travellers for one night. I got nice
hostelmates there and met my first muslim friend from France after
several days. Unfortunately I forgot to exchange Facebook account and
took pictures together hahaha what a fool.

- with Jasmin

- enjoy the coffee before going around
hari ini adalah sudden walk bersama duo Germany ini, kami berkeliling
kota seharian dimulai dari makan siang di Hudsons Coffee shop
dilanjutkan perjalanan kami berkeliling kota naik tram.
agenda is sudden walk with these duo Germany, we walk around the city
start from having lunch in Hudsons Coffee shop then doing the hop on hop
of by tram. Yes!
Visiting many places in one day, combining the tram zone and walking
around finally we visit these places : State Library of Victoria,
Flinders Street, Federation Center, Tourism Center, Australian Center of
Moving Image, Parliament, Yarra river bank, Royal Botanic Garden, Arch
of Remembrance and shop to Coles before going home.What a productive day :D

- Shrine of Remembrance

- what a nice day!
Day 11

- enjoying the hotdog near Yarra bank river
hanya punya waktu tiga hari, Philip Island dan Great Ocean Road trip
skip dulu ye, biar ada alasan kembali ke sini. Dua hari dimanfaatkan
untuk keliling kota dan sehari kemudian untuk ke pantai. Fair enough,
I only got three days, I skipped Philip islands and Great Ocean Road so
when I get back here next time I still have reasons where to go. These
two days I spent for city walk and one day in the beach. Fair enough
ke sebelas masih sekitar kota, dimulai dari Queen Victoria Market demi
beli hot doughnut dan beli cemilan, hari Jumat ini memang penuh berkah.
Baru kelelahan jalan, duduk di dekat toko bunga ketemu rombongan turis
dari Singapore yang baik hati dan banyak ngajak ngobrol dan ngasih
donat. Katanya, ini rejeki kamu nak apalagi Jumuah mubarok semoga
perjalanannya lancar ya. Duile terharu ketemu lagi orang baik, baru mau
jajan donat ada yang njajanin :". Ke Hosier Lane setelah lelah keliling
market. Here it is, tempat gravity paling hits se Australia, Hozier
Lane!Sorenya pindah ke hostel terakhir yang letaknya di St Kilda beach
yang berjarak tempuh 30 menit seharusnya, karena abang yang jaga hostel
ngawur ngasih petunjuk arah jadilah perjalanan menuju hostel pake acara
nyasar nggeret nggeret tas belanjaan sejauh lebih dari 1 km.

- a must to try, hot doughnut in Queen Victoria Market
11 still walking around the city started from Queen Victoria Market for
its hot doughnut, that was such a blessful Friday. Getting tired
walking and sit next to a florist, I met a group of kindhearted
Singaporean who talked much to me and bought me the doughnut I was
craving for. This is a blessed day for you and we wish you a great trip
nak, they said. I was blessed to meet good people. Going to Hosier Lane
after tired going around the market. Here it is the most popular gravity
in Australia, Hosier Lane! This afternoon I moved to the last hostel in
St Kilfa beach which supposed to be 30 minutes away from city but the
hostel man told me the wrong way that caused me walk 1 km more.

- in Hosier Lane

- Federation square

- a fine sunset moment in St Kilda beach
out dari hostel akhirnya aku melanjutkan agenda terakhir demi melihat
bathing boxes yang konon katanya mahal di Brighton Beach. Cukup naik
tram menuju Stasiun terdekat dan dilanjutkan naik train menuju Brighton
Station, dilanjutkan berjalan kaki sekitar 8 menit maka rumah kotak
warna - warni ini bisa anda nikmati. Datanglah ketika summer dan angin
tak terlalu kencang bertiup. Jangan sepertiku, karena keterbatasan waktu
datang saat angin sedang kencangnya bertiup, kembung kembung dah. Pintu
masuk ke Brighton Beach berada di jalur jogging dan sepeda, jadi jangan
meleng ya ketika menuju kesana.
out from the hostel I finally continue the last plan to see the
expensive bathing boxes in Brighton beach. Just take the tram to the
nearest station then take the train to Brighton Beach Station, plus 8
minutes walking and here they are the colorful boxes. Come to the beach
during summer when the wind not this strong. I only had that day to
come, so sorry dear stomach to hurt you. The gate to enter Brighton
Beach is on the jogging track and cycling, so pay attention ye.

- Ritz For Backpacker, my last hostel

- strolling around Brighton Bathing Boxes
kembali ke kota untuk sekedar berjalan kaki di sekitar mantan hostel
sebelumnya setelah menitipkan tas. Menunggu malam tiba demi mengambil
foto Flinders Street, dikejar bapak bapak tua dan rombongan dedek emesh
yang mabuk sambil mesem mesem ngajak kenalan. Malamnya naik shuttle ke
bandara dengan rasa ketakutan yang berlebih karena menjadi satu satunya
penumpang di mobil yang ngebutnya melebihi Baraya travel ini. Gak lagi
back to the city to enjoy walking around my ex hostel after putting my
bag. Waiting for the night to take Flinders Street pictures, chased by
an old man and a bunch of drunk college guys who approached me and
introduce himself. Then going to airport using shuttle bus driving me
crazy since I was the only passenger and the car speeding up more than
Baraya travel. Not gonna take the shuttle anymore!

- Flinders street at night
Day 13
flight lewat tengah malam dan ketemu temen baru asli India yang
cantiknya kaya Kajol, perjalanan bosan jadi menyenangkan. Sadly I have
to go back to reality after such trip. Kesimpulannya, dua minggu tetap
saja kurang. Semoga bisa road trip setahun penuh kaya yang lain. Syukur
syukur bisa trip tanpa harus biaya sendiri dan dibayar.
Well, thanks a lot for such nice trip this two weeks Straya!
for the after midnight flight and met a pretty Indian girl like Kajol,
my boring waiting turned out to be fun. Sadly I have to go back to
reality after such trip. The conclusion of the trip is two weeks will
never be enough. Hope to go on road trip the whole year like my friends
do. Would be nicer If only I go on the trip without spending my own
money and get paid. Well, thanks a lot for such nice trip this two weeks
I will come back!